Psychological innovation refers to the development of new and improved techniques, methods, and technologies for understanding and treating mental health and behavioral disorders. In the 21st century, psychological innovation is expected to be a rapidly evolving field, with a wide range of developments expected to occur throughout the world.

Here are some key areas of expected developments in psychological innovation throughout the world in the 21st century:
- The use of technology: Technology is expected to play an increasingly important role in psychological innovation in the 21st century. This includes the use of virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and other digital technologies to improve the delivery of psychological services and to enhance the effectiveness of psychological treatments.
- The integration of neuroscience: The field of neuroscience is expected to make significant contributions to psychological innovation in the 21st century. This includes the use of brain imaging and other neuroscientific techniques to understand the underlying causes of mental health and behavioral disorders, as well as the development of new and more effective treatments based on this understanding.
- The use of big data: The use of big data, including the collection and analysis of large-scale data sets, is expected to be an important area of psychological innovation in the 21st century. This includes the use of data analytics to identify patterns and trends in mental health and behavioral disorders, as well as the use of data-driven approaches to improve the delivery of psychological services and to enhance the effectiveness of psychological treatments.
- The use of mobile technology: Mobile technology, including smartphones and other mobile devices, is expected to be an important area of psychological innovation in the 21st century. This includes the use of mobile apps, text messaging, and other mobile-based technologies to deliver psychological services and to enhance the effectiveness of psychological treatments.
- The use of gamification: Gamification, the use of game elements and game design in non-game contexts, is expected to be an important area of psychological innovation in the 21st century. This includes the use of game-based approaches to improve engagement and motivation in psychological treatments, as well as the use of game-based approaches to improve the delivery of psychological services.

- The use of machine learning and artificial intelligence: Machine learning and artificial intelligence are expected to be an important area of psychological innovation in the 21st century. This includes the use of machine learning algorithms to analyze large-scale data sets, as well as the use of artificial intelligence to improve the delivery of psychological services and to enhance the effectiveness of psychological treatments.
- The use of telepsychology: Telepsychology, the delivery of psychological services via telephone, videoconferencing, and other remote technologies, is expected to be an important area of psychological innovation in the 21st century. This includes the use of telepsychology to reach underserved populations, as well as the use of telepsychology to improve the delivery of psychological services and to enhance the effectiveness of psychological treatments.
- The use of mindfulness-based approaches: Mindfulness-based approaches, including mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, are expected to be an important area of psychological innovation in the 21st century. This includes the use of mindfulness-based approaches to improve the delivery of psychological services and to enhance the effectiveness of psychological treatments.
- The use of neuro-feedback: Neuro-feedback, the use of real-time brain activity measurements to inform therapeutic interventions, is expected to be an important area of psychological innovation in the 21st century. This includes the use of neuro-feedback to improve the delivery of psychological services and to enhance the effectiveness of psychological treatments.

Overall, the 21st century is expected to see significant developments in psychological innovation, with a wide range of new and improved techniques, methods, and technologies becoming available throughout